
Enabling patients to receive
payments for their data

FHIR based infrastructure:

Our decentralised healthcare management tools are designed to facilitate developing countries and those recovering from war where infrastructure has been damaged or destroyed fast tracking the infrastructure found within developed countries enabling them to grow healthcare infrastructure more effectively against a different background and context than was possible in developed markets.

We are your fast track to 5G avoiding the need for fibre. In our healthcare market your citizen is no longer open to abuse instead they will be paid for their data reducing substantially the need for costly national data storage structures, and yet also avoids the controllership of your citizens by third party entities who profit from their data in the process of a roll out.

Identity Services:

Project Eve is designed to give every citizen an identity from birth enabling them to grow with their identity and to have a life long health record for the first time. Other elements of identity can be added to this and the process of enabling a patient to access their record or to have it accessed by a medical professional is a process that is managed by the Gen ID infrastructure automatically managing and protecting rights and protocols based on a GDPR based structure.

For the first time the citizen can control their own data and choose who they share it with within a safely managed context that protects their data, their rights and ensures they are rewarded appropriately should access requests be made for their data resulting in patients having payment in return for services.